Most standard software development methodologies including: Waterfall, Agile, DevOps, Rapid Application Development (RAD), etc…
…are better suited for a team of developers than an individual developer…
However, as most developers work on Software Projects individually, they often find it difficult to choose and stick to any of these methodologies…
…as they are more suitable for teamwork.
But having recently used a particular Software Development Methodology for my own personal project I felt like sharing it with other developers who may still be contemplating on the right method to use for their individual projects.
So Which Methodology is More Suitable for an Individual Software Developer?
While most people recommend Test Driven Development (TDD) based, Agile Methodology for an individual developer…
…from my personal experience, I prefer and recommend Agile Methodology using the Kanban Board Framework for a single developer.
Now, while the Agile Kanban Board Framework, like most other Methods, is suitable for Development Teams, I find it also very suitable for an individual developer…
I recommend the Kanban Board Framework because it is easy and more convenient to set up and use.
If you already use GitHub to store your source codes while developing applications, you can easily implement the Agile Kanban Board using GitHub Project and Issues…
To set up the Kanban Board for your project repository, you can generate your user stories with ChatGPT or Llama2…
… after that, you head over to your GitHub repository, create a Kanban project, and fill it up with your project User Stories using GitHub issues.
So there you have it. If you are looking for a suitable Software Development Methodology for your coding projects, when working individually, you can make use of the Agile Kanban Board Framework.
If you would want a FREE CONSULTATION SESSION for your coding project–either for academic or business purposes–you can contact us here